Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Courses for 2011

CEC Accredited Level 1 Internships will be help on the following dates:

Lower Body: Monday to Thursday 7th-10 March, 1.00-5.00 pm
Upper Body: Monday to Thursday 14th-17th March, 1.00-5.00 pm

The completion of both courses gives the attendee 15 CECs.

These courses will teach you:

• Efficient methods to assess your clients' flexibility
• Flexibility prescription - how to choose the appropriate type of stretching
• How to perform different stretches for each muscle group
• Strength testing & muscle balance ratios
• Optimal training methods for each muscle group
• Strength training programming for the general preparation phase
• Sample workouts to fix imbalances
• Exercise progressions
• Short-term periodization for the general preparation phase

The course will be held at the Boutagy Fitness Institute, Suite 4, 7-13 Paraween St, Cremorne, NSW 2090 from 1.00 to 5.00pm on the above dates.
Course Conductors: Tony Boutagy & Rachel Luff
Cost $600 for each module
To sign up please email Rachel on