Sunday, January 30, 2011

Exercise Technique Workshops

On Tuesday 22nd February & Tuesday 1st March, Tony will be running a short exercise technique workshop aimed at exploring correct technique on the major lower body strength exercises (22nd Feb) and upper body exercises (1st March).

Tony will explain the finer points of correct technique for many different upper and lower body exercises, both common and advanced, and when to use them in a client's development. Exercises discussed include:
Trap bar deadlifts
Cambered bar and safety bar squats
Front and back squats
Deadlift variations
The use of bands and chains for pressing, squatting and pulling
Glute ham raise
Reverse hypers
Chin up and pressing variations
Rowing and pulling options
Thick bar exercises
And much more

The workshop will be held at the Boutagy Fitness Institute, Suite 4, 7-13 Paraween St, Cremorne, NSW 2090 from 2.00 to 5.00pm on the above dates.
Course Conductors: Tony Boutagy & Rachel Luff
Cost $250 for each workshop
To sign up please email Tony on