Monday, December 6, 2010

What I trained Last Week

My training partner, Rachel Luff, has just posted what we did in training last week on her blog

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Fat Loss Program for the Summer Holidays

My favourite time of the year when training the non-athletic population is the month leading up to the Christmas break. A solid foundation of strength has been laid over the previous months of training, allowing me to increase the exercise complexity and volume at the same time. By using several 'bang for you buck' exercises, short rest intervals, high training volume and total body workouts, I can design sessions aimed at maximizing fat loss just as bikini season arrives.

Here is a strength workout designed for fat loss that one of my female clients is currently performing. Seeing her lying on the floor afterwards unable to speak coherently made me want to blog the workout. It is a 3-day split, best performed on Monday, Wednesday & Friday. The methodology used is a modified Giant Set, alternating unrelated muscle groups. I have utilyzed Undulating Periodization by varying the repetition range on each session to maximize different muscle fibre groups (Monday: 12RM, Wednesday: 8RM, Friday: 15RM). Each session should be performed 3 times each, lasting a total of 3 weeks. Note how the final exercise of the week is performed. I learnt that little nugget from the great Charles Poliquin. Finally, I should note, on day-2 I have used two body weight exercises (push ups and inverted rows). This program is for a female who reaches failure on both movements when fatigued, making them excellent choices for her as they are whole body, multiple joint exercises. If a client does not fail in the desired repetition range, then their suitability on a program like this questionable and their free weight equivalent must be used instead.

Day One:
A1. Deadlifts on a podium, 5x12 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A2. Bench press, medium grip, 5x12 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A3. Glute ham raise, 5x12 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A4. Bent over row, underhand grip, 5x12 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A5. Back foot elevated dumbbell lunge, 5x12 on a 20X0 tempo, rest 180 seconds

Day Two:
A1. Trap bar deadlifts, 5x8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A2. Push ups,5x8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A3. Front squats, heels elevated,5x8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A4. Inverted rows,5x8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A5. Siff barbell rollouts,5x8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 180 seconds

Day Three:
A1. Back squats, 5x15 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A2. Incline barbell press, medium grip, 5x15 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A3. Romanian deadlifts, 5x15 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A4. Seated row, pronated grip, 5x15 on a 30X0 tempo, rest 10 seconds
A5. Pivot leg press, 5 x 2 minutes on a 20X0 tempo, rest 180 seconds

Enjoy, and remember, if you don't lie star fish on the ground unable to know where you are and what year it is, you didn't do it right!
