Here is another sample program designed for fat loss. Again, the two primary principles are to elevate growth hormone levels and to significantly disrupt homeostasis, so that metabolism is elevated for many hours after training. Notice how the acute program variables have been designed to achieve these two goals: high volume (around 300 reps), total body, large muscle group and/or compound exercises, short rest intervals and set durations around 40 seconds. Finally, note that the first and second exercises are performed as straight sets and the final four exercises are performed as a circuit.
A. Snatch grip deadlifts, 4 x 8 on a 40X0 tempo, rest 60 seconds
B. Parallel chin ups, 4 x 8 on a 40-0 tempo, rest 60 seconds
C1. Lying leg curls, 4 x 8-10 on a 4010 tempo, rest 60 seconds
C2. Seated rows, close grip, 4 x 10-12 on a 4010 tempo, rest 60 seconds
C3. Horizontal back extensions, 4 x 10-12 on a 4010 tempo, rest 60 seconds
C4. Farmer’s walk, 4 x 40 seconds, rest 60 seconds
Perform this workout six times and then change the program and try something different. Enjoy.
Sleep deprived due to the Tour de France