Next Friday I'll be heading back up to the Sunshine Coast to attend the annual Sunshine Coast Health & Fitness Summit. I'll be presenting 2 papers this year, one on interval training for performance, health and fat loss and one on developing structural balance in the upper body. I've just finished reading the entire 14th International Biochemistry of Exercise Conference – Muscles as Molecular and Metabolic Machines in preparation for my talks and I'm now inspired to go run some intervals at my local oval!
I will post the full notes of the talks in the week after I get back to Sydney. I'll also post my thoughts on restricting bench pressing range of movement, as this issue seems to keep popping up from time to time. Things happening in the next month: Level I course in September (14th-18th) and then a serious amount of writing to finish my PhD before Christmas holidays.
Finally, well done to the team that just completed their Level II. It was information overload for the week as we covered training for hypertrophy & strength, nutrition pre and post training, the natural treatment of the metabolic syndrome and endurance training.